We’re going on a Treasure Hunt: Symbols

We’re going on a treasure hunt ….and it was magical! Bridges, forests, towers, a weathered family cemetery with it’s 2 gaurdian angels, and the temple!! Our ancestors crossed rivers, and I drive over bridges. As we crossed the Missouri River in a matter of seconds, a deep feeling wrapped around my heart and moved to my head in thoughts of the monumental efforts made …that have simplified my way. Their stories are a symbolic bridge connecting the past and present, a message boldly stated in Bridgewater, Iowa. A tower in Madison County, Iowa was errected by a posterity to symbolize the impact their pioneer grandparents made in their lives. (I hope my children want to build me one of those. ) The temple was a bridge for our Nauvoo ancestors. They had to leave all they had worked to build here and cross hundreds of miles to a place that Jim Bridger claimed, would never grow an ear of corn. The temple assured them of God’s love and His desire to protect them and their families even though there would be death and suffering. It allowed them to cross from one place to another. A symbol is something we can see that helps us explain things we can’t see, like the past! What symbols help you connect with your family tree?

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