We’re going on a Treasure Hunt: Grandma

We’re going on a treasure hunt……and today’s treasure is GRANDMA! She is here in a place silenced by change….a landmark providing the security of supplies and safety. My connection with handcart Grandma Mary Rogerson at Fort Laramie is a little odd…cayenne pepper! It was in this area that she was able to trade useless summer dresses and clothing for buffalo jerky and cayenne pepper. She was prepared when 2 days later the winter storms raged on the Martin and Willie handcart companies. Her broth saved the lives of her family and many others. Her son, Josiah Rogerson, would say in the future that if there had been more cayenner pepper, less people would have died. A couple pinches of cayenne pepper every morning have helped me say goodbye to sinus infections! Another grandma, another landmark. It speaks of a long life and the foothold she is in the memories of her family, Grandma Cleda Winn Whitlock. When Brent returned from his mission, she traded him temple bags. For 35 years he has carried his white temple clothes in her bag, her name on the outside, her encouragement very visible. What connects you to your grandmother? How do your grandchildren connect with you? Happy hunting!

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