The Nauvoo Nest Gets A New Roof

It is March in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the Nauvoo Nest received a new ROOF! The conditions were not ideal, but the belief that it could be done was. So it was accomplished, admid sickness, rain, wind, cold and a smaller work force than planned for. We circled around for a show-n-tell about mom and a game of family history bingo. We learned that grand things have small beginnings.

It was under a small roof in Abilene, KS that 34th President, Dwight D. Eisenhower had his beginnings. They would nurture a man who would play a grand part in “perserving our God-given rights, our national honor, and the freedom won by our forefathers.” During WWII, he was awarded the rank of 5 Star General. Only four other men are so honored. All of us today enjoy something President Eisenhower put in place……the Interstate Highway system!

We learned of times when our ancestors had no roof to cover them. They gathered to Independence, Missouri seeking for a promise of peace and joy, but submitted to being driven from their homes and businesses, fearing for their lives. During this desperate time, it was discovered that there was not enought money to ferry everyone over the Missouri River. A few families would be left behind. One family decided on a small effort. They put out their fishing lines, hoping to pay in fish. The next day when the catfish was cut open, they found 3 silver dollars, just enough to pay for everyone to cross. Could it be that there was a roof covering them, though unseen. It stretched forth to include the mighty miracles that allowed them to submitt and begin time and time again. It brought peace to their souls and a promise that all ….would be well.

At Far West, Missouri we found a rocky record in a place wild with silence and scenery. The temple cornerstones tell of no roof being raised here. A land of the lost? Homes were burned here, but not hope. Not far down the highway today, is the Kansas City Temple, majestic in its promise of divine connections.

It is connection that brings us to a roof top. Third great grandfather Herman Daggett Bayles, whose land this was, settled in Parowan, Ut. The story goes that he supervised the building of the church there. The roof was so well constructed that 2 threats to tear down the church were ignored. It stands today as a grand legacy.

The Nauvoo Nest hopes to welcome YOU, in an effort of family discovery. When you meet Cleo, know you have found a friend. His call to you is steady and unwavering……..Whoooo, Whoooo, Whoo’s in your TREE?

The Roofing Crew

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