Map My Ancestors: Life Changes

Life changes our dreams. In the pages of our past we find sorrow mixed with unexpected events. Amid the chirping birds and church chimes of West Branch, Iowa, we ate lunch with 5th cousin by 4 generations, President Herbert Hoover. He was the 31st President of the United States, known as the “Great Humanitarian” for his efforts to feed war torn Europe during and after WWI. In Iowa however, he unexpectedly becomes an orphan by the age of 10 and is seperated from his siblings to live in Orgeon. Wheatland Iowa is a few miles away where we get a first peek at great grandfather Gerhard Jessen. Born in a place where the lillies grow like weeds, his life changed unexpectedly in Michigan when his mom tragically collided with a train. It is 1804 when we arrive in St. Louis Missouri to discover the residents waking up as American citizens. Although cousin Thomas Jefferson was celebrating the Louisianna purchase, the women and slaves in that territory were facing greater hardships. It is an understanding of past hardship that can help us “muscle up” our own Mississppi and find the inner strenth and perservance to adapt.

Can Map My Ancestors on the Family Search App help you find any ancestors from Iowa?

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