Map My Ancestors: Time Travels

Time travels in a line. It worked for sculptors Gutzo and Lincoln Borglum when creating Mount Rushmore. The Presidents do not travel in order of their presidential terms but in the structure of what they gave our nation. Washington….Birth. Jefferson….Growth. Roosevelt…..Development. Lincoln….Preservation. It worked for Bethany’s 8th counsin twice removed, Laura Ingalls Wilder! Our little car travelled across the prarie to play with Laura in DeSet South Dakota. She has helped us feel a deep love and focus on family and the simple things in life. Her story, “Little House on the Prarie,” began as a timeline of the chronological events of her life. The historical fiction series we enjoy today has moved her life events into a better story flow. Where could your life’s timeline help you travel?

Timelines simplify a life into a straight line. It is an easy way to begin writing a life history. It is a tool for family history research. Putting an ancestors life events in order can help you identify missing pieces. A timeline for each person can be viewed at Timelines do not appear on the family search tree app.

Learn more about timelines at this link. It will take you to a page in the Family Search Wiki, a place to get answers about every research question you have.

See your place in history! Enter you or your ancestors name, birth date and ending date for timeline. Click generate timeline and see how old you were as history was being made. This helps you know what historical events were taking place during your ancesotrs life and at what age. This link is shared on the family search wiki under timelines.

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