Map My Ancestors: Mysteries of the Handcart

Dedicated to all graduates

I did not know what to give as a graduation present, and then I heard Grandmother Mary Rogerson’s footsteps in that of her 4th great granddaughter as she walked the path to Martin’s Cove. I knew Grandma Mary had a lot to give. She did not grow up wanting to push a handcart, but when the time came to give her whole heart to God, she did. In England, she easily received a missionary message of restored truth and desired to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Idependence Rock was a landmark in Mary’s wilderness highway. She didn’t imagine emigration to America, alone with her children, at a time when women were denied the basic rights of education and employment, but when the opportunity came, she took it. She did not grow up knowing the winds of opposition would blow the Devil’s fearful Gate wide open to her, but when she felt it, she walked by and slammed it shut. She did not prepare to save lives with her skills and knowledge, but in the deep snows of Wyoming, with great uncertainty part of the horizon, she shared liberally and her buffalo beef soup saved many lives. She did not desire to be the recipient of a great rescue, but when the rescuers stretched out thier arms, she was grateful. We stood at the summit of South Pass and I knew the greatest lesson Grandma Mary had taught me was humility. Looking back and knowing that where you’ve been is because of God’s hand, looking forward across the distance knowing it is the love and charity of others that will sustain you, and accepting that you still have a lot to learn, is true humility. My Grandma planted a seed that still blossoms for her posterity. I love you Grandma Mary. Congradulations graduates on reaching a summit. I know that in the distance stretching before you, family history will change how you feel and the experiences you will have!

How do you begin the climb into your family tree? With a question! What if you do not have a question? Get some information! The link below takes you to an activity page where you can begin a lifelong discovery of yourself and family. The pictures below are just a few example. The information you gather will help you begin to ask questions that will change your experiences and the lives of others.

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