Map My Ancestors: Desert Darkness

The darkness did not discourage faith, a foundation that we are still learning from and laboring to build upon. First he was a child moving from NY to Nauvoo, then a solider, the youngest of the Mormon Battalion. He heeded warnings and prophetic counsel, so at the age of 26, in obedience to a call from the prophet Brigham Young, he sold all his property and prepared to leave immediately. Grandfather Orin Hatch would join the California Trail to colonize in Carson Valley, NV. Now a verdant valley, but before that, a forty mile desert that tried grandpa’s faith. We found him laboring all night in deep sand, with little water and no place for supplies. Our Wayment friends rescued us from the desert heat, giving us a place to sleep with cool air and frozen pizza! It is our turn to learn the ways of our pioneer ancestors….a ready help, indomitable and unafraid. Like Grandpa Orin on a dark desert night, we too can look to the light.

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